Wednesday 3 November 2021

Social Media For Teens

 Do You Think Social Media Good For Teens?

Social media is an online media that is used for long-distance communication needs, the process of interaction between users with one another, as well as getting information through special application devices using the internet network. The purpose of the existence of social media itself is as a means of communication to connect between users with a very wide area coverage.

As we know now, social media is a necessity for teenagers like us. But, many teenagers today are actually abusing the function of social media and becoming a bad impact like give negative influence on mental health due to inappropriate use of social media among adolescents in the form of anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, body image disorders, cyber bullying.

But besides that, social media has a positive impact on society, such as Facilitate communication, one of the positive effects of social media is the ease of communication. Currently, there are quite a number of applications on social media to send messages, make calls, and make video calls. And Then ,Facilitate Information, search another positive side of social media impact is the ease of finding information. Previously, the search for information tended to be limited and required a longer time. Then, means for doing business In fact, several social media platforms have provided special features for doing business. So with social media, even small businesses have great opportunities. Social media can be used to analyze the market, consumers, to production needs. And last, Learning Facilities, through social media, students can actively be more creative and independent so that the quality of lessons can be increased both in terms of knowledge and quality.Fo example in accordance with current conditions, learning activities are carried out online using social media, which means that social media is very much needed in the world of education today because we can find and upload our task in social media.

Therefore, to avoid the negative impacts, we must use social media wisely and this is how to use social media wisely and responsibly, first don't just post content, realize that social media accounts can be seen publicly, because it must be wiser in choosing content before uploading. Second, there is no need for detailed information because in this digital era it is increasingly sophisticated and triggers the emergence of cyber crime. Third, before cyber crime. polite and always alert to people who are connected to our medical accounts, avoid using harsh words. Empathy and don't trust immediately and finally filter accounts which are followed as they develop.

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Renewable energy

 Name :

- Ardi Lorenza
- Fadlan Danial R
- Kania Puspa Dewi  


A renewable resource is one that can be used repeatedly and does not run out because it is naturally replaced. Examples of renewable resources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy.


  1. New and renewable energy can always be used without worrying about the supply running out. 

  2. Alternative energy sources are also known to be environmentally friendly because they do not produce waste that damage the environment or have far less pollution levels than fossil energy

  3. New and renewable energy can be obtained for free. For example, sunlight, water that flows continuously and does not require a large amount of investment in order to process these renewable resources into energy that you can use every day.

1.  Initial costs for setting up renewable energy plants are often quite high and require careful planning and implementation. Building dams, for example, for hydroelectric power requires high initial capital and high maintenance expenses. 

2.  Renewable energies like solar and wind require large tracts of land to produce energy quantities competitive with fossil fuel burning. 

3.  Renewable sources of energy are also affected by weather, reducing their reliability. For example, wind turbines only rotate it there is enough wind at a given speed and solar panels do not operate at night time and are less efficient on cloudy days.

Monday 26 October 2020

Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter

July 4,2022

Dear Mr.John as Rectorat University of Indonesian,

As his high school teacher at SMAN 3 Bandung. I have known Reydivaswara quite well. She has been a wonderful student and it was always as pleasure to have Reydiva in the classroom. She is an active student both in lessons and organization. She is very communicative and also has a good attitude.

Reydiva is extremely hardworking when it comes to academics. She showed great interest in the course and her passion for the field of science is evident. So,that subjects she is good are mathematics and physics. Even though she is smart but she is not arrogant and also she likes to help friends who are in trouble with studies

Her hopes and dreams is to go to study at University of Indonesian. She really has very good potential.Granting her the University of Indonesian Scholarship at your prestigious university will greatly enhance both, him as a student and

individual, and your institution.

I assure you that all the information given above is true and I will be happy to share any more information about Reydiva as and when required. I will end this letter by once again, strongly recommending Reydiva for the University of Indonesian Scholarship. Feel free to contact me for any further information on


Kania Puspa Dewi


Sunday 18 October 2020



My name is Kania Puspa Dewi and you can call me Kania, I’m 16 years old and now I’m a highschool student in SMAN 3 Bandung.I was born in Bandung, on January 26th 2004.

My ambition is I wish I can continue my study in Institut Teknologi Bandung because that’s always been my dream since I was a little kid and I want to make my parents proud of me.In ITB I want to take Industrial Engineering because I think that's my passion.After I finish my college I want to work in a company and I'll use the salary to save because I also want to build a farm too.I wish i can be a successfull woman who inspired many people. To achieve that I will study hard, complete my tasks, asking other people about the college world, and the main one don’t forget to pray to Allah and ask for my parents prayer too.

Saturday 17 October 2020

Review Film


Imperfect is a 2019 Indonesian romantic comedy drama film directed by Ernest Prakasa and based on a novel by Meira Anastasia, Ernest's wife. This film stars Jessica Mila and Reza Rahadian. The film was shown on December 19, 2019 and received a positive response from both audiences and critics.

This film tells about Rara (Jessica Mila) who was born fat and brown following her father's genes. Unlike her sister, Lulu (Yasmin Napper), who was born following her mother's genes, Debby (Karina Suwandi) with a body like a model. Everyday, Rara has thick ears at what people say to her. Plus, his lover, Dika (Reza Rahadian), who loves what she is. One day, Rara had the opportunity to move up a position in her office, a cosmetics company. However, Rara's boss, Kelvin (Dion Wiyoko), requires Rara to completely change her appearance. After feeling very depressed and always being ridiculed by her colleagues and the environment because of body shamming problems, she then started listening to her mother's advice to change his diet and take better care of himself, so that she could get the body shape she wanted.She started working hard to lose weight to have an ideal body by doing the gym and drinking fruit and vegetable juices regularly every day. Finally, her efforts to lose weight for a full month were not in vain because Rara managed to become a generally beautiful woman who has an attractive appearance and is in the lyrics of many people like her co-workers in the office. Since then, Rara's attitude towards her close friends in the office and towards her own lover is very different and has changed drastically, because according to her own lover, Dika, he feels that the current Rara is not what it was and is not like before, to the point that her life pattern is not. changed. Until finally Rara began to realize that she had lost the people who used to accept it as it was. Rara also apologized and made an exhibition project that contained the message that we must accept our shortcomings and also make our imperfections become our strengths. Since then Rara has not been on an extreme diet anymore and only runs a healthy lifestyle. In the end, she is happy and becomes herself again .

The acting of the actors in this film is very good and they live their roles. This film also has a very good message.

This film has a message that can make the public aware that bullying and body-shamming often occur around us or that we are perpetrators and can also be victims of body-shamming. Therefore, this film accidentally gives a message to bullies not to do this because it has a tremendous effect on the victim. And there is also one very good quote in this film, namely "Change Insekyur to Be Grateful".

Saturday 8 August 2020

 Asking and giving opinion

Mom:Hei darling!Whats wrong with you?

Trena:Its okay mom im fine

Mom:Dont lie to me.I know you

Trena:Okay fine i will tell you.My school is implementing new rules and i dont agreed the new rules

Mom:What new rules?I think the school will make a good rules for students

Trena:We are not allowed to carry cellphones.And if we get caught up bring a cellphone,our cellphones will be confiscated for 1 week.Thats so annoying rules.

Mom:Ohh i see..

Trena:If you were me would you agree with the new rules

Mom:Maybe not if my thoughts are your age.But with my current thinking I will agree


Mom:I think its a good idea because children are now addicted to cell phones that make them not focus on the lesson.So the school make these rules so that their students focus on the lesson.

Trena:But we need a phone to take a break and also look for material

Mom:You can also ask your teacher for material

Trena:How about a break?We will be bored because there is no phone

Mom:You can play with your friend without phone it will make you and your friends closer.Can you imagine when you and your friends bring a phone 

to school?you must be bust with your phone 

Trena:What you say is right...Maybe this new rules  can make us more positive.

Mom:Yah so dont be upset again darling

Trena:Okay mom thank you for your opinion

Thursday 23 July 2020


Sandrina :”Hi guys.So do you know why we  were told to gather here?”
Rara        :”No.What happen?”
Sandi      :”We are here to determine the destination for Turbud right?”
Sandrina :”Yah you’re right.We were chosen to take part in discussions to determine destination fot Turbud.”
Rara        :”Ok.So what should we do now?
Sandrina :We have to wait Mr.Budi and then talk about destinations.”
Mr.Yanto:”Excuse me who do you want to meet?May i help you?”
Rara       :”We want to meet Mr.Budi.Sure,thank you
Mr.Yanto:Oke i will call him.”
Sandrina :”Thank you.”
Mr.Budi  :”Hi....sorry im late.Did you wait long?”
Sandi      :”It’s okay.We also didnt wait too long
Mr.Budi :So Do you know why you’re here?”
Sandrina :”Yes sir.I already told them.”
Mr.Budi :”Who wants to first give recommendation destination for Turbud?”
Rara       :”I think Yogyakarta is the right choice to be destination for Turbud because the people there still hold the culture of his ancestors.”
Sandrina :”Why don’t we choose Malang?There are many beautiful places to visit and the weather is cool unlike in Yogyakarta.”
Mr.Budi  :”Ok good idea.any idea?”
Sandi      :”I dont think Malang is the right choice.The culture in Malang has begun to fade because it is rarely run by their people.So it is not related to the  named Turbud.”
Mr.Budi  :”I think Sandi right.We should choose the a destination that has a strong culture.”
Sandi      :”If we choose Yogyakarta i think we will get bored easily because there is too strong a culture.How about Bali?”
Rara       :”That sounds like a good idea.In bali we can see a strong culture but it doesnt make us bored easily because of the modern atmosphere.”
Sandrina :”I think you’re right but the weather so hot.”
Mr.Budi :”I agree with Sandi.And hot weather is not problem because if you enjoy the holiday you will have fun.”
Sandrina :”Okay I agree with Sandi.”
Mr.Bud i:”Okay thank you for your suggestion and i will take care of it and then we can go to Bali immediately.”