Monday 26 October 2020

Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter

July 4,2022

Dear Mr.John as Rectorat University of Indonesian,

As his high school teacher at SMAN 3 Bandung. I have known Reydivaswara quite well. She has been a wonderful student and it was always as pleasure to have Reydiva in the classroom. She is an active student both in lessons and organization. She is very communicative and also has a good attitude.

Reydiva is extremely hardworking when it comes to academics. She showed great interest in the course and her passion for the field of science is evident. So,that subjects she is good are mathematics and physics. Even though she is smart but she is not arrogant and also she likes to help friends who are in trouble with studies

Her hopes and dreams is to go to study at University of Indonesian. She really has very good potential.Granting her the University of Indonesian Scholarship at your prestigious university will greatly enhance both, him as a student and

individual, and your institution.

I assure you that all the information given above is true and I will be happy to share any more information about Reydiva as and when required. I will end this letter by once again, strongly recommending Reydiva for the University of Indonesian Scholarship. Feel free to contact me for any further information on


Kania Puspa Dewi


Sunday 18 October 2020



My name is Kania Puspa Dewi and you can call me Kania, I’m 16 years old and now I’m a highschool student in SMAN 3 Bandung.I was born in Bandung, on January 26th 2004.

My ambition is I wish I can continue my study in Institut Teknologi Bandung because that’s always been my dream since I was a little kid and I want to make my parents proud of me.In ITB I want to take Industrial Engineering because I think that's my passion.After I finish my college I want to work in a company and I'll use the salary to save because I also want to build a farm too.I wish i can be a successfull woman who inspired many people. To achieve that I will study hard, complete my tasks, asking other people about the college world, and the main one don’t forget to pray to Allah and ask for my parents prayer too.

Saturday 17 October 2020

Review Film


Imperfect is a 2019 Indonesian romantic comedy drama film directed by Ernest Prakasa and based on a novel by Meira Anastasia, Ernest's wife. This film stars Jessica Mila and Reza Rahadian. The film was shown on December 19, 2019 and received a positive response from both audiences and critics.

This film tells about Rara (Jessica Mila) who was born fat and brown following her father's genes. Unlike her sister, Lulu (Yasmin Napper), who was born following her mother's genes, Debby (Karina Suwandi) with a body like a model. Everyday, Rara has thick ears at what people say to her. Plus, his lover, Dika (Reza Rahadian), who loves what she is. One day, Rara had the opportunity to move up a position in her office, a cosmetics company. However, Rara's boss, Kelvin (Dion Wiyoko), requires Rara to completely change her appearance. After feeling very depressed and always being ridiculed by her colleagues and the environment because of body shamming problems, she then started listening to her mother's advice to change his diet and take better care of himself, so that she could get the body shape she wanted.She started working hard to lose weight to have an ideal body by doing the gym and drinking fruit and vegetable juices regularly every day. Finally, her efforts to lose weight for a full month were not in vain because Rara managed to become a generally beautiful woman who has an attractive appearance and is in the lyrics of many people like her co-workers in the office. Since then, Rara's attitude towards her close friends in the office and towards her own lover is very different and has changed drastically, because according to her own lover, Dika, he feels that the current Rara is not what it was and is not like before, to the point that her life pattern is not. changed. Until finally Rara began to realize that she had lost the people who used to accept it as it was. Rara also apologized and made an exhibition project that contained the message that we must accept our shortcomings and also make our imperfections become our strengths. Since then Rara has not been on an extreme diet anymore and only runs a healthy lifestyle. In the end, she is happy and becomes herself again .

The acting of the actors in this film is very good and they live their roles. This film also has a very good message.

This film has a message that can make the public aware that bullying and body-shamming often occur around us or that we are perpetrators and can also be victims of body-shamming. Therefore, this film accidentally gives a message to bullies not to do this because it has a tremendous effect on the victim. And there is also one very good quote in this film, namely "Change Insekyur to Be Grateful".

Saturday 8 August 2020

 Asking and giving opinion

Mom:Hei darling!Whats wrong with you?

Trena:Its okay mom im fine

Mom:Dont lie to me.I know you

Trena:Okay fine i will tell you.My school is implementing new rules and i dont agreed the new rules

Mom:What new rules?I think the school will make a good rules for students

Trena:We are not allowed to carry cellphones.And if we get caught up bring a cellphone,our cellphones will be confiscated for 1 week.Thats so annoying rules.

Mom:Ohh i see..

Trena:If you were me would you agree with the new rules

Mom:Maybe not if my thoughts are your age.But with my current thinking I will agree


Mom:I think its a good idea because children are now addicted to cell phones that make them not focus on the lesson.So the school make these rules so that their students focus on the lesson.

Trena:But we need a phone to take a break and also look for material

Mom:You can also ask your teacher for material

Trena:How about a break?We will be bored because there is no phone

Mom:You can play with your friend without phone it will make you and your friends closer.Can you imagine when you and your friends bring a phone 

to school?you must be bust with your phone 

Trena:What you say is right...Maybe this new rules  can make us more positive.

Mom:Yah so dont be upset again darling

Trena:Okay mom thank you for your opinion

Thursday 23 July 2020


Sandrina :”Hi guys.So do you know why we  were told to gather here?”
Rara        :”No.What happen?”
Sandi      :”We are here to determine the destination for Turbud right?”
Sandrina :”Yah you’re right.We were chosen to take part in discussions to determine destination fot Turbud.”
Rara        :”Ok.So what should we do now?
Sandrina :We have to wait Mr.Budi and then talk about destinations.”
Mr.Yanto:”Excuse me who do you want to meet?May i help you?”
Rara       :”We want to meet Mr.Budi.Sure,thank you
Mr.Yanto:Oke i will call him.”
Sandrina :”Thank you.”
Mr.Budi  :”Hi....sorry im late.Did you wait long?”
Sandi      :”It’s okay.We also didnt wait too long
Mr.Budi :So Do you know why you’re here?”
Sandrina :”Yes sir.I already told them.”
Mr.Budi :”Who wants to first give recommendation destination for Turbud?”
Rara       :”I think Yogyakarta is the right choice to be destination for Turbud because the people there still hold the culture of his ancestors.”
Sandrina :”Why don’t we choose Malang?There are many beautiful places to visit and the weather is cool unlike in Yogyakarta.”
Mr.Budi  :”Ok good idea.any idea?”
Sandi      :”I dont think Malang is the right choice.The culture in Malang has begun to fade because it is rarely run by their people.So it is not related to the  named Turbud.”
Mr.Budi  :”I think Sandi right.We should choose the a destination that has a strong culture.”
Sandi      :”If we choose Yogyakarta i think we will get bored easily because there is too strong a culture.How about Bali?”
Rara       :”That sounds like a good idea.In bali we can see a strong culture but it doesnt make us bored easily because of the modern atmosphere.”
Sandrina :”I think you’re right but the weather so hot.”
Mr.Budi :”I agree with Sandi.And hot weather is not problem because if you enjoy the holiday you will have fun.”
Sandrina :”Okay I agree with Sandi.”
Mr.Bud i:”Okay thank you for your suggestion and i will take care of it and then we can go to Bali immediately.”

Sunday 8 March 2020

G 30 S/PKI


The deteriorating economic conditions during the Guided Democracy had become fertile ground for the PKI's historical growth by targeting the poor to become targets of their political propaganda. The aim of the PKI organization was to establish a communist state in Indonesia in various ways. At that time the Army emerged as a military organization of fighters who at the same time carried out social tasks, so that it also had a role in the political and economic fields.
One of them was when the Army was assigned to lead many foreign companies that were taken over by the government for reasons of nationalization.The PKI did not like the policy so they dubbed the officers as Kabir, the Bureaucrat Capitalist. At that time there were three major powers in the government namely the Army, PKI and the President. Some of the events that are the background of the PKI G30S are:
1. Formation of the Fifth Force
The PKI, which felt its military strength was still very weak when faced with the Army, was very interested in forming the Fifth Force consisting of workers and armed peasants.
2. Nasakom
Nasakom's ideology was one of the factors in the background of the G30S PKI and became part of the complete history of the G30S PKI.

3.Malaysian confrontation
Malaysia as a federation which was formed on September 16, 1963 was one of the important factors in the background of the G30SPKI

4.Massacre of TNI Officers

The true events of the G30SPKI could not be separated from the abduction of senior TNI AD leaders at the time. They were exiled and slaughtered without mercy at the Lubang Buaya Monument. Following are the names of the TNI who won the title of Hero of the Revolution after the massacre took place.

1. Army Commander Lieutenant General Ahmad Yani,
2. Maj. Gen. R. Suprapto
3. Maj. Gen. TNI M.T. Haryono
4. Maj. Gen. Siswondo Parman
5. Brigadier General of TNI DI Panjaitan
6. Brigadier General Sutoyo Siswomiharjo
7. Lieutenant Pierre Tendean


The events of the G30SPKI began on October 1. Starting with the case of the abduction of 7 generals consisting of members of the army staff by a group of troops moving from the Air Field to southern Jakarta. Three out of seven
among these generals have been killed in their respective homes, namely Ahmad Yani, M.T. Haryono and D.I. Panjaitan.
Meanwhile the other three targets, Soeprapto, S.Parman and Sutoyo were captured alive.Abdul Harris Nasution, who was the main target of the troop group, managed to escape after trying to jump over the boundary wall of the Iraqi embassy.
Even so, Pierre Tendean and his daughter, Ade Irma S. Nasution were killed after being captured and shot on October 6 by the ambush squad. The death toll is increasing when the kidnappers are firing and killing a police guard at Nasution's neighbor's house. Abert Naiborhu was the last victim in this incident. Not a few of the corpses of general killed and then dumped in Crocodile Hole.Around 2,000 TNI troops were deployed to occupy a place now known as Merdeka Square, Monas. Although they have not succeeded in securing the eastern part of this area. Because at that time it was the area of ​​the KOSTRAD Headquarters led by Suharto.
At 7 am, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) broadcast a message from Untung Syamsuri, Commander Cakrabiwa that the PKI G30S had been successfully taken over in several strategic locations in Jakarta and other military members. They insisted that the movement was actually supported by the CIA aimed at removing Sukarno from his position.The failure ink was almost written in the history of the G30S / PKI incident. Pak Harto was almost passed over because they still suspected that he was not a political figure.After a time, one of the neighbors told Suharto about the shooting at half past 6 in the morning along with the disappearance of a number of generals who were allegedly being kidnapped. Hearing the news, Soeharto immediately moved to the KOSTRAD Headquarters and contacted members of the navy and police.Suharto also succeeded in persuading two battalions of coup troops to surrender immediately. Starting from Brawijaya troops who entered the KOSTRAD headquarters area. Then followed by Diponegoro troops who fled to Halim Perdana Kusuma.Because the process was running poorly, the coup launched by the PKI was finally defeated by Suharto. So this condition causes the soldiers who are in Merdeka Square to experience a thirst for impression in protecting the President who is in the Palace.


The September 30th Movement or often abbreviated as G30S PKI was an incident that occurred on 30 September 1965 in which six high-ranking Indonesian military officials and several others were killed in an attempted rebellion called an attempted coup alleged to members of the Indonesian Communist Party.However, this movement does not shake our ideology, namely Pancasila because the values ​​contained in Pancasila are universal and embrace all groups.

Thursday 6 February 2020

Thursday 23 January 2020

                                     BEAUTY AND THE BEAST

Once upon a time there was a very rich man who lived with his three daughters.  The two older daughters laughed at anyone who did not dress as well as they did.  If they were not going to a ball, they were shopping for as many fine dresses and hats as they could carry home.  
The youngest daughter, Beauty, liked to read most of all.  “No one will want you!” her two older sisters said, and they laughed.  “Look at your hair - you look like a servant girl!”  Beauty did not know why they talked to her in a mean way.  But she said nothing.
One day, the father got some very bad news.  He had spent all of his money on a ship that he sent out to sea for trade.  Now he learned that the ship was gone.  Everything on it was lost!  All at once, the rich father became as poor as poor could be.  
The family could no longer stay in their big house.  The house, its fine tables and chairs, and all of their fine things, had to be sold.  
All the father had left was a little hut deep in the woods.  So that is where he and his three daughters had to move.  Living in the hut in the woods was hard work.  Each day a fire had to be started, meals cooked, the place cleaned up, the garden tended, and things fixed when they broke.  Now that the family was poor, you might think the two older sisters would help out with the chores.  Think again.  
“She looks like such a mess,” they said, turning up their noses at Beauty.  “She might as well serve us.”  And so Beauty did all the hard work.  
And then – good news! – the father’s ship came to shore!  
“Daughters,” said the happy father, “I am going to town.  Tell me what fine gift I can bring back for you.”
“Bring me the finest dress from the finest shop,” said the eldest sister.
“I want one just like it,” said the middle sister.
“And you, Beauty?” said he.
“All I want, Father,” said she, “is a single rose.”
“Can you believe her?” said the eldest sister.
“What a fool!” said the middle sister.  They both laughed.
“Girls!” said the father.  “If that is what Beauty wants, that’s what I will bring back for her.”
The father was on his way home when he thought, “I forgot all about the rose for Beauty!”  All at once, the sky turned black.  “Oh, dear!” he said.  “A storm is coming!”
A moment later, heavy dark rains fell from the sky.  Soaking wet and tired, the father saw a blink of light from far away.  He went closer to the light, hoping it meant there was some place he could ask to stay the night.  When he got up close, he saw a large palace with candles in all its windows.  It was very odd, but the front door was open.  And so with care, the father stepped in.  
“Hello?” he said.  No answer.  
There, before him, was a great feast over a long table.  
“Hello?” he said again.  Still, no answer.  The father sat down in front of the fire to warm himself, and he waited.  But still, no one came.  
“I suppose it would be all right if I stay the night,” said the father.  He took a quick bite from the feast, found a bedroom, and fell fast asleep.
The next morning the table was laid again, but this time with breakfast.  Again - most odd! - no one was around.  “I suppose I should leave,” said the father after a while.  
On the way out he passed a rose garden.  “I will take just one,” said he.  And he picked a rose for Beauty.
Just then, a loud stomp came up from behind him.
Roared a voice - “You took my rose!”
The father spun around.  There before him was an awful, huge monster.  “I… I’m sorry!” he said.  “I didn’t know.”  
“You will pay for this!” the Beast yelled.  “You will die!”  
The father fell on his knees.  “Please!” he begged.  “Do not kill me! I only picked the rose for one of my daughters.”
Oh, so you have daughters?” said the Beast. “Hmm.. Well, if one of them will come and stay here in this palace, you will be free.  If not, you must return yourself in three months, and take your punishment.”  
When the father got home, Beauty could tell something was wrong.  “What is it, Father?” she said.  “Oh, nothing,” said he.  But she knew that was not true.
At last, the father told his girls what the Beast had said.  “This has all happened because I asked you to bring home a rose!” said Beauty.  “I will go there in your place.  Or else, you will die.”
“No, I cannot allow that!” said the father.  “I am old and don't have much longer to live.  You are young - you must not do this for me!”
But Beauty would not change her mind.  And two days later, the father took Beauty to the palace where the Beast lived.
“So this is your daughter?” said the Beast, looking at Beauty.  
“Yes,” said she.  “I will stay here.  And that means my father is free to go.  That is what you said.”
“Yes,” said the Beast.
The days were long and there was no one for Beauty to talk to at the palace.  Every night at nine, the Beast would come for dinner.  At first he would only grunt and she said nothing.  After all it was not easy to be a prisoner, even if it is at a palace.  Then one time at dinner, he made a little joke and she smiled.  Another time, he made a comment, and she looked him in the eye.  After that, he would ask her about her day, and she would tell him.  
Not long after that, Beauty came to a part of the palace she had not seen before.  Over a door was a sign, “Beauty’s Room.”  The door was open.  Inside the room were shelves of books to the ceiling, a piano, and a cabinet of fine dresses, just her size.
Now there was much to talk about at dinner!  One night, at the end of dinner, Beast said, “Beauty, I love you.  Will you marry me?”
Beauty was shocked.  “Beast, you are my best friend,” she said.  “But please understand, I do not want you to marry you.”
Still, the Beast asked her the same question after dinner, time after time.  And each time Beauty said the same thing.  One night, the Beast said, “Beauty, if you will not marry me, what can I do to make you happy?”
“If you must know,” she said, “it would be to see my father.  I miss him so much.”
The next night, the Beast gave Beauty two magical items - a magic mirror and a magic ring.  “If you want to see your father,” said he, “just ask the magic mirror to show him to you.  If you are ready to go back home, turn the magic ring on your finger three times and ask the mirror to take you there.  When it’s time to come back here to the palace, turn the ring three more times and ask the mirror to come back.  But do not be gone for more than one week.  Or I will die of grief!”
Beauty agreed.  When she got back to her room, she looked in the magic mirror and asked to see her father.  And there he was, in bed and looking so sick he could die!  
In fear, Beauty turned the ring on her finger three times.  “Please, Magic Mirror,” she said.  “Take me home right now!”
And she was back!  Ah, such joy when her father looked up and saw Beauty!  For much of why he was ill was in knowing that Beauty was stuck in the palace, all because of him. Beauty stayed by her father’s bed for hours.  She told him that she had all the books she could read, music to play, and fine dresses to wear. “The Beast is not so bad,” she said, “once you get to know him.  He’s good to talk to.  He’s my friend.”
Beauty looked around.  “Where are my sisters?”  
“They are both married,” said the father.
“Did they marry good men?” said she.
“They had a lot of money,” said the father.  “But I do not know if your sisters are happy.”  For the eldest sister had married a handsome man so vain that he gave no thought to anything else, including his wife.  And the middle sister had married a man with a sharp wit but who used it to hurt everyone around him, and most of all his wife.
When the sisters came to the house and saw Beauty, dressed so well and talking about how kind and good the Beast was to her, they burned with rage.  Beauty told them she must stay no more than one week.  And the sisters came up with a plan.  
They petted Beauty and said such nice things they had never said before.  When she told them she must go soon, they wept.  They said she must not leave.  There was still so much left they wanted to do with her!  And why does just a few days matter, after all? So Beauty stayed.
One night she had a dream about the Beast.  In her dream, the Beast lay sick and dying.  When Beauty woke up, she asked the magic mirror to show her the Beast.  There he was in the mirror, lying in the rose garden, looking so sick he would die.  At once, she turned the magic ring three times.  “Take me back to the Beast!” she said.  In a moment she was sitting next to the poor, sick Beast, who could only gasp for air.
The sisters came up with a plan.
"You have come back!” said the Beast in a thick voice.
“I’m so sorry that I am late!” said Beauty.  
“I could not bear the idea that you may not come back to me.  I am afraid it is too late for me now.”  His eyes closed.
“No!” cried Beauty.  “Do not leave me!”  Just then, she knew in her heart what was true.  “I love you!” she cried out.  “Please come back!  If you only come back, I will be your wife.”  Tears rolled down her cheeks.
Just then, the Beast opened his eyes.  “Beauty!” he said.  “You did it!”
In a flash, the Beast was changed to a handsome prince!  Beauty did not know what to think of this change.
“Ah, Beauty!” said the Beast, and he told her his story.  Years ago when he was a prince, an evil fairy had put a spell on him.  He must stay a beast forever, until a maiden loved him for who he really was.  Now she had broken the spell!
And so Beauty and the Beast were married.  They lived happily ever after.



1.What the moral value can we get from this story?

2.Based on the second paragraph..“Look at your hair - you look like a servant girl!” What the antonym  of this underlined sentence?


Thursday 9 January 2020


   In this blog I will tell you about my last holiday.Actually,my last holiday was so boring because I didn't went to somewhere,except went I would celebrated new year with my friends.So,in the morning me and my friends did a morning run and cycled around my house.We did it around 1-2 hour.After that,we returned home to take a bath.
   Before taking a shower,I used a mask first.After everything was done,I cook boiled egg for my breakfast,I only ate boiled egg for my breakfast because I'm on a diet program but in the day I cheated.In the afternoon I watched a movie on iflix if the movie was end,I continued watching videos on Youtube.I usually watched videos on Youtube about travelling because I want to travel.
   I met my friends again in the evening to prepared ingredients for barbeque on New Year's Eve.The ingredients were sausage,corn,and meatballs.We bought it together.And don't forget we bought charcoal to cook the ingredients.We so excited to welcome New Year's Eve but we were a little sad too because soon would go to school.

   In the night before we celebrated the new year,we watched a thriller movie.The movie was good and so constrict.We didn't finish the film because my parents told us to have dinner.After that,we prepared to barbeque,But I overslept so my friends who prepared everything to barbeque.When the ingredients want to cook I wake up by my friends.

   We cook many food and we ate them.While we were eating we heard firecrackers and we run to a field to looked the firecrackers.I just looked but my friends took some pictures.I think the celebrated new year was less memorable than the previous year,but I hope in this new year I will be better than the previous year.